Safe From the Start Evaluation

Notice of Funding Opportunity

The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority is requesting proposals for grant funding for the Safe From the Start (SFS) Evaluation program. Grants will be made with General Revenue State Fiscal Year 2020 funds. A total of $123,900 in funding is available through this solicitation for use over a period of eight months.

Application deadline: 11:59 p.m., September 19, 2019.

Program Requirements

Eligibility Information

Agencies must be pre-qualified through the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA) Grantee Portal,, to become eligible to apply for an award. Applicants must have completed the GATA pre-qualification process and received approval of their Internal Control Questionnaire (ICQ) by the period of performance start date, October 31, 2019 to be considered for funding.

Eligible Applicants

Eligible applicants are limited to universities within the State of Illinois with extensive history researching state-funded childhood exposure to violence programs targeting children 0 to 5 and their families and with experience providing technical assistance to state-funded childhood exposure to violence grantees.


Completed application materials must be emailed to by 11:59 p.m., September 19, 2019, to be considered for funding. Proposals will not be accepted by mail, fax, or in-person. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Late submissions will not be reviewed.

Available Funds

Grants available through this funding opportunity are a portion of state fiscal year 2020 funds. A maximum of $123,900 dollars will be made available through this funding opportunity.

Period of Performance

Funding is available for the period of October 31, 2019 to June 30, 2020.


Task Date
NOFO Posted August 19, 2019
NOFO question submission deadline September 12, 2019
Applications due September 19, 2019
Budget Committee review/approval of recommended designations October 17, 2019
Projected program start date October 31, 2019


Recipients must submit periodic financial reports, periodic performance reports, final financial and performance reports, and, a calendar year end financial report in accordance with the CFR Part 200 Uniform Requirements. Future awards and fund drawdowns may be withheld if reports are delinquent.

Required Documents

The following documents must be emailed to by the 11:59 p.m., September 19, 2019, deadline for application review. Click the links below to download copies.


Questions regarding this NOFO may be submitted to 11:59 p.m. September 12, 2019. Questions and responses will be posted at click here.


Contact Information

Mary Ratliff

Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority

607 West Adams, Suite 906

Springfield, IL 62701